The seven demigods from 'The Heroes of Olympus' plus Nico, Thalia, and Octavian. All the characters are in some kind of action pose that fits their character.

The Mythological World of Percy Jackson

So You Liked Percy Jackson, Huh?

Percy Jackson and the Olympians is one of the biggest children's literature sensations since Harry Potter. It sparked two movies, a TV show, three other book series, and several spinoff novelas and short stories. If you enjoyed reading Percy Jackson and the Olympians, take a look around this site to say hello to old characters and meet some new ones from this multi-myth snowball of a fantasy world created by Rick Riordan. We'll introduce you to the cinematic adaptations and Rick Riordan's other series, giving you all the tea (hot and cold), so you can make an informed decision about where to take your next mythological journey.

What Made Percy Jackson and the Olympians Great

A relaxed image of Percy wearing armor and leaning on his sword, smiling at someone.If you're like most fans, you fell in love with Percy from the first page. He's such a witty, lovable character - it's hard not to! Regardless of the other characters and the Greek myths and the adventure, we all love the series for it's starring character and namesake: Percy Jackson.

Of course, Percy isn't the only lovable part of the series. There's something about the idea of a secret summer camp for special kids - kids who are told they have a mental disorder in the mortal world - that makes us feel warm and fuzzy inside. And the fact that these kids, staying at this dope summer camp - with a freaking climbing wall with lava - have to (or get to, depending on your godly parent) fight monsters? Wow. Rick Riordan really hit it on the head.

The Greek myths themselves are also endearing, particularly when spun with Riordan's comedic tone. We love seeing Apollo act like a total teenager, Demeter and Persephone argue about cereal, and Aphrodite be sooooo empty-headed. And speaking of Riordan's tone of there a book out there that's more enjoyable to read? The prose is hilarious, emotional, and relatable all at once!

But let's be real: the number one reason people love the Percy Jackson series is because of Percabeth. We spent five books in quite the whirlwind. One minute, Percy and Annabeth irritate the crap out of each other. The next, they're having an intimate conversation in the back of a dirty old animal trailer. Then, Annabeth goes missing, and Percy will stop at nothing to find her. And neither one of them says anything to the other about how they feel.

After five freaking books, Percy and Annabeth finally get together. But do they live happily ever after? Well, "Uncle Rick" - as the fandom affectionately calls him - is the master of cliffhangers, and he left a big one right at the end of The Last Olympian: the Prophessy of Seven.

So What's Next?

Action shot of Annabeth with her characteristic knife in her hand, poised to stab some baddie.The Prophesy of Seven is the backbone of the second Percy Jackson series: The Heroes of Olympus. However, The Heroes of Olympus was not the first series Riordan wrote other than Percy Jackson. Just over 200 miles northeast from Camp Halfblood is an Egyptian Nome. The Twenty-First Nome, to be exact. A place of refuse where Egyptian magicians practice their magic and guard the human world. The Kane Chronicles is another fantastic series by Rick Riordan.

Other series by Rick Riordan include The Trials of Apollo, if you want some more of Camp Hafblood and Greek mythology, and Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard, if Marvel got you absolutely hooked on Norse gods.

If you're a fan of Percy Jackson and the Olympians There's plenty more material where that came from. Check out any of Rick Riordan's other books, or you can watch the Percy Jackson movies (at your own risk). A new TV show is even due to release on DisneyPlus on Dec 20, 2023, so definitely stay-tuned for that.